Globalization is an extremely ambiguous term that has been redefined and re-constructed. The champions of globalization define it as the phenomena of increasing integration and interaction among…
As seen with Russia, the exclusion from the world monetary system seems to be a favorite choice of western countries to combat hostile powers. In the past months, US, UK and EU announced the removal…
Last year, as the first COVID-19 vaccines began to roll out, I predicted in Foreign Affairs that the global economy would come roaring back and eventually usher in a new golden age of globalization…
The most striking geopolitical feature of the past four years has not been bipolarity or multipolarity—or even great-power conflict. It has been the spectacle of major economies pursuing self…
The opposition fighters making such strides on the battlefield want to carry on all the way to Damascus. For everyone else, there are reasons to call a halt to proceedings sooner rather than later
The signs are bad but there is international agreement when it comes to Syria. If they act now, Arab states can still re-establish control over events, but the usual statements of support won't cut it
K-pop, Oscar-winning films and famous TV dramas have boosted the country's profile and owe much to government policies as well as spontaneous creativity
There is no state help, and many cannot yet return home. For those who can, the devastation is almost too much to bear. Still, thousands fly the flag and tell images of Hassan Nasrallah that they won.