China’s Global Aims

President Xi Jinping made his vision quite clear – he sees the future of China as a power with a significant role in shaping international politics…

The World Cup and the Question of Islam

Every country and culture ascribes itself to a particular core value set, which in a sense, defines it. For instance, the British government defined…

Deep Troubles in the Crypto World

Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, promised to finally give people an alternative to an otherwise highly centralized and controlled currency…

Economics As Politics

Economists like to perceive themselves as deriving objective positive mathematical theories and that they are not involved in the messiness of…

Bargaining Strength and Wages

In many advanced economies, wages have stagnated and  labor’s share of the country's income has been diminishing. This has resulted in growing…

The Soulless Institution

Although normalized, upon closer inspection, the corporation concept seems to be a strange development. Over the years, they have been given…