Whoever Canada's 24th prime minister turns out to be, their immediate predecessor will remain one of the country's best-known names at home and abroad after a lifetime in the political spotlight
Global energy demand in this year’s WOO is set to expand by 24% in the period to 2050, driven by significant expansion in the non-OECD region. The outlook sees the need for an expansion in all energy…
Watching Gabriel García Márquez's epic on TV as Syria awoke from its 'eternal' slumber, Assad's ouster felt like the scene the Colombian writer forgot to write in his most famous novel
By the end of 2024, the combined market capitalisation of the ten largest tech companies in the world hit $20tn, worth more than Shanghai Stock Exchange, Euronext, and LSE Group market…
Al Majalla reviews the lives and careers of some of the world's most impressive writers, poets and artists who leave behind indelible cultural marks for future generations to appreciate
Maysa Sabrin joins illustrious figures such as Russia's Elvira Nabiullina, Europe's Christine Lagarde, and America's Janet Yellen, proving women heading central banks is no longer a rarity
It didn't have to be this way, but Biden's foreign-policy legacy will be a world that is less rule-bound, less prosperous, and significantly more dangerous
Like many, I was unprepared for the torrent of emotions that gripped me on my first visit to Damascus after 13 years. These are my observations, reflections and reasons for cautious optimism.
In an interview with Al Majalla, the Saudi journalist explains how his country is advancing without compromising its values and that younger and older generations each have an important role to play