The annual conflab to sign off on policy decisions gave clues as to the thinking in Beijing. China's future is bright if it can ride out the coming storm.
6G is expected to provide even faster data speeds, lower latency, and higher capacity compared to its predecessor. It aims to support innovative technologies and applications.
Adobe Inc will buy startup Figma for about $20 billion in its biggest deal, the Photoshop maker said on Thursday, bulking up on applications that support online collaboration amid a global shift to…
In light of postmodernity, we face a different set of challenges than that of the past. As Erik Erikson states, those in the past struggled with being limited by what they knew they could be. Whilst…
Instead of civil war between armed groups, a new kind of war is being fought over Libya's vast wealth—especially control of the central bank and oil production
The ancient village dates back to 500BC and served as a major trade hub and urban centre in the Arabian Peninsula that connected other prominent civilisations
The price for a desired re-engagement with the West is being paid all over the Arab world, where Tehran's militias are at work, and Gaza's plight is reduced to a bargaining chip in power games
A colossal infrastructure project costing $17bn has not yet enticed Beijing. Cost, security, uncertainty, and alternatives are just some of the reasons. So, will Baghdad bag its Beijing sponsor?