Few want a major escalation but both sides feel they must respond to the other, creating a rolling boil conflict with heightened rhetoric that remains susceptible to temperature changes
The past ten months have upended policy trajectories relating to the Middle East. How the conflict unfolds in the coming weeks will have huge and unpredictable consequences for millions
Not the arms control we have come to know from ratification signings, but a different, less formal, but perhaps no less effective form. Look closely, and you will see it is already happening
The standoff between the United States and Iran has become a routine one. However, the present American appeasement of the rulers of Tehran shows the White House’s limited approach on a diplomatic or…
An estimated 14% of the region's inhabitants―110 million people―are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The reality millions face this Ramadan could not be starker.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.
Mosques are rubble and families have been torn apart. Those who survived mourn those who did not. Amidst the trauma, celebrating seems strange. Yet in a sprinkling of lanterns, there is resistance.