An official of Beijing's Chaoyang district on Sunday urged residents to remain at home on Monday, as a continued rise in COVID-19 infections tests China's strict containment policy.
Catching up with a friend over Zoom, I wondered recently what might have happened if China had come clean about the presence and origins of COVID-19 before it spread beyond Wuhan. But, my friend…
As the novel coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world, international organizations, struggling to keep pace with the virus’s impact, seem to have lost some of the relevance and the utility…
The novel coronavirus has brought the world economy to a grinding halt. Global growth is set to fall from 2.9 percent last year into deep negative territory in 2020—the only year besides 2009 that…
Early this year, as the novel coronavirus began to spread inChina, the predictions were immediate and stark: the outbreak was China’s “Chernobyl moment,” perhaps even “the beginning of the end” for…
Two months ago, Chinese PresidentXi Jinpinglooked like he would emerge from the novel coronavirus pandemic with his legitimacy and his ambitions for Chinese global leadership in tatters. Today,…
When the novel coronavirus first emerged in China’sHubei Province, foreign reactions to the country’s handling of the epidemic swung between extremes. At a press conference held inBeijingin late…
The documentary about Israel's crimes in the West Bank deserves praise, yet the discourse around the film remains far removed from the heart of the issue: the illegal and immoral military occupation
Conflict, drought, tariffs, and inflation are making it harder to feed people in the Arab world. Yet if the wars in Ukraine and Sudan end with investment in agriculture, the clouds may brighten.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.