Rhetoric and internal political manoeuvring need to be put to one side, and the prime minister must deliver tangible improvements to the everyday quality of life for millions of Iraqis.
The political elite vies for influence and wealth, while blind to its own inability to provide the basic form of government needed to keep people safe in this land of an ever-rising death toll
The origins of this mafia class can be traced back to the power vacuum the US invasion of Iraq created in 2003. 20 years later, its influence is pervasive and its presence aggravating.
Kazakhstan has just weathered a major crisis sparked by skyrocketing fuel prices. Dissent is rare in Kazakhstan as a result of the fact that it is one of the least free countries in Central Asia run…
On Jan. 23, Mexican journalist Lourdes Maldonado López was shot dead in her car in front of her home in Tijuana. She was the third Mexican journalist to be murdered that month, after another Tijuana…
Tunisia; the geographically small, historically ancient, and demographically young and vibrant North African country, which is located at one of the most beautiful spots at the southern Mediterranean…
An estimated 14% of the region's inhabitants―110 million people―are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The reality millions face this Ramadan could not be starker.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.
Mosques are rubble and families have been torn apart. Those who survived mourn those who did not. Amidst the trauma, celebrating seems strange. Yet in a sprinkling of lanterns, there is resistance.