The fictional series, named after the restaurant at which it's set, puts the viewer's heart on the chopping board. Al Majalla dissects the show available on Disney+ in an all-encompassing review.
“Real Housewives of Dubai” has just finished its first month on Bravo Television as the latest entry in Bravo’s Real Housewives series. The program that started about 20 years ago with “Real…
A broadcaster, actor, singer, and producer, these are qualities that are rarely found in one person, but his talent enabled him to break into all these fields, after he became a high-level…
In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, often expressing their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also directly addressing another character or the…
Blockbusters are finally coming back to movie theaters. But the buzz is elsewhere in Hollywood. Streaming services are upending the film industry’s traditional model and consolidating power just as…
Maysa Sabrin joins illustrious figures such as Russia's Elvira Nabiullina, Europe's Christine Lagarde, and America's Janet Yellen, proving women heading central banks is no longer a rarity
It didn't have to be this way, but Biden's foreign-policy legacy will be a world that is less rule-bound, less prosperous, and significantly more dangerous
Like many, I was unprepared for the torrent of emotions that gripped me on my first visit to Damascus after 13 years. These are my observations, reflections and reasons for cautious optimism.
In an interview with Al Majalla, the Saudi journalist explains how his country is advancing without compromising its values and that younger and older generations each have an important role to play