Climate change in West Africa, new deforestation laws in Europe, and a lack investment in cocoa plantations has led to dizzying fees for chocolate's base ingredient. What now for the industry?
Washington has finally woken up to the importance of developing this vital region, with Nigeria showing the greatest investment potential — in the trillions.
For hundreds of years, Morocco has been a key link in the world maritime order between the global north and the global south. It is now turning its attention to the West.
Washington is spending more time engaging with Algiers – long seen as more of an ally of Moscow and Beijing – as shifts in geopolitics centred on West Africa reverberate around the world
Terrorism, be it in South Asia, the Middle East, or West Africa, is regrettably enjoying a resurgence. The US decision to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan has, as anticipated, only emboldened the…
In an interview with Al Sharq, Türkiye's FM pledges to 'work closely' with regional powers to build a better Syria and hopes Iran will seize the opportunity to recalibrate its approach to the region
With protectionists back in the White House, globalists attending the World Economic Forum were left 'playing second fiddle'. Al Majalla reviews some of the key highlights from the summit.
Cairo wants to show Trump it is a player worth consulting when it comes to Mideast geopolitics, but his comment that Jordan and Egypt should take in Palestinians will not be well-received
The two leaders controlling most of Syria's territory are in talks over the country's future. Much is still uncertain, but observers are hopeful that a military confrontation can be avoided.
From her tough times living in Tamay az-Zahayrah to a life of stardom, Al Majalla revisits Umm Kulthum's memoirs, as narrated to the late Egyptian writer Ali Amin
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