The Egyptian novelist and Nobel laureate met an assortment of characters in Cairo's cafes, which helped him capture the vibrancy and colour of the city to great acclaim
Local artwork lines the walls in the narrow main corridor and the charming table arrangements are made up of the ever-so-common tiny wooden chairs, checked red and white tablecloths, and, as an added…
Egypt holds among its folds a unique elite of writers and novelists who have composed great works that are immortalized in history. These works will inspire a generation that has recently begun an…
After the great Egyptian writer late Naguib Mahfouz was subjected to a failed assassination attempt in 1995, the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez sent him a letter in which he said, "The sun's…
The documentary about Israel's crimes in the West Bank deserves praise, yet the discourse around the film remains far removed from the heart of the issue: the illegal and immoral military occupation
Conflict, drought, tariffs, and inflation are making it harder to feed people in the Arab world. Yet if the wars in Ukraine and Sudan end with investment in agriculture, the clouds may brighten.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.