While the world is obsessively focusing on the war in Eastern Europe, geo-economic tugging is building up in the Eastern Mediterranean over maritime borders. Pitching political and diplomatic fights…
Egypt has discovered a large gas field in the Nargis block in the eastern Mediterranean, Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla said.
Evaluation is still ongoing to determine the field's reserves, he…
Turkey is hopping back into the serene waters of the Mediterranean, ambitiously looking for natural gas resources that it can extract to cover its enormous demand for energy. Turkish President Recep…
Egypt has set sail with its plan to transform into a regional energy hub after signing a tripartite memorandum of understanding in the field of gas trade, transport and export with Israel and the…
Easter, Passover, and Ramadan were held this year at the same period. It is a strong sign for our three dominant religions, insofar as through these holidays, the Christians, Jews, and Muslims share…
I was asked about Lebanon. The question was as follows:
How do you assess the political situation in Lebanon, which I know you love?
I love Maronite Lebanon, I clearly answered. It (Lebanon)…
Seven years ago, the Egyptian Navy was struggling to barely survive on old and rusty equipment and devout, but modestly educated, personnel. Today, the Egyptian Naval Forces are among the top ten…
The documentary about Israel's crimes in the West Bank deserves praise, yet the discourse around the film remains far removed from the heart of the issue: the illegal and immoral military occupation
Conflict, drought, tariffs, and inflation are making it harder to feed people in the Arab world. Yet if the wars in Ukraine and Sudan end with investment in agriculture, the clouds may brighten.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.