The actor-turned-president's term ends on 20 May and new elections will not take place, prompting questions—especially in Russia—about the legitimacy of Zelensky continuing in office
The 32nd Arab Summit nabbed global attention. As well as the visit of Ukraine's leader, Syria stepped back into the regional community as Saudi Arabia's careful diplomacy emphasises common interests.
The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky was finally invited to the White House. This was an opportunity he actively and unsuccessfully sought during Donald Trump’s presidency. Coming fresh off the…
Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky may not get everything right, but one thing is for sure – since becoming president in May 2019, he has worked tirelessly to resolve Ukraine’s territorial…
Ukrainian PresidentVolodymyr Zelenskyhas staked his presidency on ending the war againstMoscow-backed insurgents in the Donbas region of easternUkrainein a manner that will not break his country…
After suffering a huge blow militarily, Hezbollah is now forced to show political flexibility. By backing Aoun, it tried to position his win as a victory over Israel's preferred candidate, Geagea.
In his first term, Trump nurtured mutual economic and security interests with Saudi Arabia, but an evolving geopolitical landscape could mean a changed US approach
An army chief who impressed both at home and abroad in recent years was handed a six-year term to fill the void in this important but largely ceremonial role. Who is he, and what is on his to-do list?
During the French Mandate, Syria's women's movement went from grassroots protest to established force, setting up schools, helping the poor, and calling for rights and votes