Described as Egypt’s Indiana Jones, world-famous archaeologist Zahi Hawass has held the keys to Egyptian Antiquities for 30 years. Throughout his illustrious career, Dr…
The trade of stolen treasures is booming around the world. Although like with most illegal activities, looting is hard to quantify; satellite imagery, police seizures, and witness reports from the…
Instead of civil war between armed groups, a new kind of war is being fought over Libya's vast wealth—especially control of the central bank and oil production
The ancient village dates back to 500BC and served as a major trade hub and urban centre in the Arabian Peninsula that connected other prominent civilisations
The price for a desired re-engagement with the West is being paid all over the Arab world, where Tehran's militias are at work, and Gaza's plight is reduced to a bargaining chip in power games
A colossal infrastructure project costing $17bn has not yet enticed Beijing. Cost, security, uncertainty, and alternatives are just some of the reasons. So, will Baghdad bag its Beijing sponsor?