In recent years, the world has witnessed a noticeable increase in the greenhouse effect phenomenon due to the increasing and continuous burning of fossil fuels, threatening Earth’s life-friendly…
Britain's environmental achievements are dwarfed by comparable European states. Half of Germany's energy is from renewables, Portugal's is 63%, and France's is 91%.
The European Commission proposed on Thursday broadly tighter limits for vehicle emissions of harmful nitrogen oxides and particulates, including new standards for pollution from brakes and tyres.
When he cofounded the startup Helios four years ago, Jonathan Geifman was focused on space travel, not climate change. But as his team worked on one challenge—how to produce oxygen on the moon—they…
A new study blames pollution of all types for 9 million deaths a year globally, with the death toll attributed to dirty air from cars, trucks and industry rising 55% since 2000.
That increase is…
Nanotechnology is spurring a new industrial revolution. The process of engineering materials on an incredibly small scale (a human hair is about 80,000 nanometers wide) has led to advancements in…
I knew something was wrong the minute I woke up. OnSeptember 9, the sky was still dark at7:15 a.m.Eventually it revealed a deep-orange light, darker and dustier than any sunset. After a dry lightning…
Amid travel bans, self-isolation, movement restrictions and the shut down of industrial activity taking place all over the world as thecoronaviruspandemic continues to spread, researchers are…
With diplomatic channels open with the three major power centres—the US, Russia, and China—Saudi Arabia continues to navigate a delicate balance between economic pragmatism and security imperatives
Al Majalla interviewed the SDF commander who shared his thinking prior to the landmark decision, which also guarantees constitutional rights for Syrian Kurds
The comedian-turned-wartime president became an international celebrity after Russia's invasion when most of the world stood by his side. But things look very different today with Trump in office.
The latest attack by former regime loyalists—the worst spate of violence since Assad's fall—could ignite sectarian tensions and possibly even derail government efforts to restore stability to Syria
The documentary about Israel's crimes in the West Bank deserves praise, yet the discourse around the film remains far removed from the heart of the issue: the illegal and immoral military occupation