Gaza's ‘day after’: Five scenarios


Gaza's ‘day after’: Five scenarios

Since the outbreak of the Gaza war last October, analysts and officials have been diligently proposing scenarios for the post-conflict era. They were initially convinced that the objectives announced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be swiftly achieved, including the recovery of hostages, the dismantling of Hamas's military capabilities and infrastructure, and the eradication of any security threats emanating from the Gaza Strip.

While some of these objectives have been partially accomplished, it is evident that not all have been fully realised nine months into the conflict. The war has inflicted unprecedented suffering, displacement, and destruction, and the mission is still incomplete. This has reopened the door to different ‘day after’ scenarios.

In our July cover story, we delve into five potential scenarios for the aftermath of the Gaza war and the looming possibility of conflict in Lebanon between Hezbollah and Israel.

Read more:

Gaza's post-war landscape; Lebanon on the brink of war? by Ibrahim Hamidi

Five scenarios for Gaza's 'day after' by Nasser Al-Kidwa

The interim international governance plan for Gaza's 'day after' by James Jeffrey

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