Libya's divide runs deeper than its military line

Thirteen years after its revolution, Libya is divided between east and west, each with its own respective administrations, foreign backers and tribal rivalries

Vehicles of forces loyal to Libya's Tripoli-based Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh are parked along the waterfront in the capital Tripoli on May 17, 2022, hours after forces of the rival Tobruk-based government withdrew.
Mahmud Turkia / AFP
Vehicles of forces loyal to Libya's Tripoli-based Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh are parked along the waterfront in the capital Tripoli on May 17, 2022, hours after forces of the rival Tobruk-based government withdrew.

Libya's divide runs deeper than its military line

Since the 2011 revolution, Libya has been in a spiral. Its domestic politics, security situation, and international relations are stuck in destructive cycles, eroding Libya’s economy, social fabric, and overall prospects with each iteration.

Thirteen years on, the country is deeply divided, and not just by the military line dividing east and west. There are parallel administrations, rivalling international interventionists, and rifts within and between cities, tribes and regions. Attempts by different Libyan groups and international actors to wrest Libya out of this spiral and stabilise it as the democratic market economy many Libyans once hoped for, or the client dictatorship many predators long for, have, at best, failed and at worst, supercharged the spiral.

Today, many of these cycles are concurrently coming to an end. The political lifecycle of Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, appointed in 2021 to lead Libya to elections, seems to be crashing. Security setups are fracturing, and the economy is breaking down. Foreign forces are ominously accumulating, and the UN Special Representative has just resigned.

After years of neglect, the broader international community is renewing its interest in a Libyan political process, but it is seemingly gearing up to repeat all its past mistakes. It is an ominous moment for the North African lynchpin, given concerns over how many more of these cycles Libya can endure. But the end of these cycles also presents the opportunity for something new.

Dbeibeh's rise and fall

Like all his post-revolutionary predecessors, Dbeibeh rode into office on a wave of false optimism and false promises. Appointed via a UN process designed to end in elections after just ten months, countries sponsoring that process considered his upcoming administration a vehicle for stabilisation and change, despite him allegedly presenting them a two-year governance plan—for his 10-month mandate—with a conspicuous lack of electoral planning.

The representative of a Libyan family who present themselves as construction moguls but are accused of corruption (which they, of course, vehemently deny), many hoped Dbeibeh would at least get business flowing. With a presidential running mate hailing from the same eastern tribe as Libya’s national hero Omar al-Mukhtar and a behind-the-scenes deal with eastern Libya’s military general Khalifa Haftar to secure his appointment, many believed the country would finally be reunified.

Given that he had flown to Cairo before the ink was dry during his appointment and that his family had good ties with Turkey, the UAE, and the UK, it was considered that the international competition around Libya would finally end.

Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh takes part in a press conference at the end of the International Conference on Libya at La Maison de la Chimie in Paris on November 12, 2021.

However, none of these hopes came to fruition.

Dbeibeh’s greatest achievement in economic reform was to systematically take over the various financial controller offices which lubricate Libya’s monstrous public sector. Despite spending no less than $20bn a year, he has little to show for it beyond superficial maintenance projects. His deal with Haftar stayed true to its foundational nature. The public benefits never materialised as the surly dictator claimed Dbeibeh broke promises by refusing Haftar control over Libya’s ministries of defence and finance—the keys to the kingdom.

Yet, behind the scenes, the families have cooperated on various financial projects, often brokered by Abu Dhabi and often focused on Libya’s oil sector, rotting the heart of Libya’s economy. These range from the emergence of shady brokers for crude sales along with shady new developments, reselling existing concessions, creating new energy enterprises, and most notoriously of all a fuel-for-crude swap-system that shrouds Libya’s most crucial, and lucrative, enterprises (the sale of crude and purchase of fuels) in opaque transactions.

As a new order ossified and Libya’s shadow economy continued brutally cannibalising the regular economy, those who were left outside the order started to rankle. A moment that traditionally marks the end of a new cycle’s hopeful era and its descent into rancour.

By 2022, the Dbeibeh family’s economic colonisation was fomenting resentment. Outsiders of the patronage network formally known as the Government of National Unity (GNU) tried to counter, and mimic this by appointing their own prime ministers. Attempting to manufacture a civilian face and parallel patronage network to administer and financially irrigate lands under Haftar’s military domination.

Meanwhile, militias throughout Libya constantly try to co-opt or counter this new status quo as Haftar and Dbeibeh continuously seek to one-up each other. Today, Dbeibeh is more politically isolated than ever before, while relations have broken down with the other oligarchs of western Libya. Most damningly of all, Libya’s central bank governor has cut off the profligate prime minister, citing his need to protect Libya’s economy as a liquidity crisis, currency crisis over forged notes, and high price inflation concurrently wrack Libyans.

Secured insecurity

These political, economic, and security dynamics have simultaneously roiled under the surface throughout the current political cycle, becoming apparent in public skirmishes that plot the descent from the post-war security order of 2020 to a more fragile consolidation under the new status quo and now, the disorder Libya is descending into.

Haftar’s post-war consolidation was marked by mass-arrest campaigns against local tribes disgruntled at Sirte’s transformation into the new frontline city of their post-war order under Russia and as Haftar’s son Saddam moved to dominate lucrative smuggling routes across Libya’s borders. Consolidation and expansionism were entirely dependent on Russian military muscle.

Foreign states looked to profit from Libya's vulnerable oil industry, lawlessness, and the flood of capital.

In western Libya, militias around Tripoli attempted to consolidate by leveraging Dbeibeh's reliance on them to capture the state and then attempt to progressively colonise armed groups in the towns and cities bordering Tripoli and beyond. This new order strengthened after they defeated attempted putsches by a coalition of groups from Libya's western coastal region, with crucial assistance from Turkish drones. Demonstrating that just as Russia underwrote Haftar's consolidation, Turkey was maintaining Dbeibeh's new order.

Typically, for these security cycles, initial alliances and consolidations failed to manufacture, let alone keep any real peace. Tribal and other forces continue to plot against the Haftars and challenge their order across the cities and borderlands from the southwest to the northeast. 

Despite projecting the image of strongman stability to the world, the Haftars' anxiety is evident in the detention and murder of prominent civilians who challenge their narrative and a battle in their capital, Benghazi, after a prodigal former defence minister Mehdi al-Barghathi simply mis-choreographed his return to the city. This skirmish was a massive overreaction involving an Israeli-style telecommunications blackout.

Though it ended in a victory, Saddam was left embarrassed, given the overwhelming force required to beat a considerably smaller and weaker actor in a conflict instigated by his own insecurity, which unnecessarily ended with torturing and murdering al-Barghathi and his kin. Meanwhile, the deterrence of Dbeibeh's drone power is clearly waning, as seen by recent challenges to his authorities across the regions west of Tripoli from the nearby town of Zawiya to the border with Tunisia.

A diplomatic disasterclass

As these powers have dysfunctionally risen and destabilisingly fallen, the international community's own lethargy, unilateralism and opportunism were captured in the office of the UN's SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily. Having been appointed in late 2022 during a period of growing international momentum behind a new electoral process, he eschewed the prepared plan, partially due to pressure from predatory powers fearing change may disrupt their plunder and partially due to a myopic interest in his own pet projects.

These projects include a security-sector dialogue, a national reconciliation process, and eventually his own political process; they were substantively light, involving little expertise, no process and no clear goals, thus only undermining all the efforts which preceded him.

The lack of a cohering UN vehicle empowered unilateralism in a familiar way. Ankara stepped up efforts to mould Libya into a useful tool to enhance its energy, financial, and geopolitical needs. Italy helped deepen Libyan fragmentation through its desperation to manage migration and profit from Libyan energy. Almost everybody looked to profit from Libya's vulnerable oil industry, general lawlessness, and the flood of capital exiting its shores.

Libyan security forces affiliated with Tripoli-based interim Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh take part in a parade marking the 6th anniversary of the "liberation of Sirte" from IS on December 17, 2022.

In an eerie example of how Libyan history rhymes, for the second time in five years, the UN envoy has departed to be replaced by a US deputy named Stephanie whose nationality is weaponised by American rivals to denigrate her but not leveraged by DC or its allies to enhance any process.

The weeks preceding and following Bathily's resignation have been forebodingly marked by stepped-up Turkish and Russian weapons deliveries. Meanwhile, Washington seems to be mimicking Bathily, squandering its geopolitical gravity to fixate on futile, hyper-focused, yet poorly thought-through policies like joint patrols between eastern and western forces—essentially trialling new deck chair arrangements aboard a sinking Titanic.

These changes have shaken the broader international community out of its disinterest in Libyan politics, only for them to relapse back into familiar camps. Those ineffectually trying to maintain the status quo and those seduced by Haftar's military dictatorship and hoping to see it implemented nationwide. The former seeks to re-invigorate UN-sanctioned relics of their past processes, like the Joint Military Committee, which was supposed to maintain a ceasefire, evacuate foreign forces, and unify Libya's military or the GNU itself.

These efforts range from dialogue processes that live and die completely detached from on-the-ground realities to cynical displays of realpolitik. Here, diplomats surreptitiously attempt to create the environment needed for elite bargains, like another Haftar and Dbeibeh deal, or for Dbeibeh and key allies-turned-enemies like the central bank governor to repair ties.

This is the geopolitical equivalent of trying to mate pandas. The latter camp is those either predisposed to desire dictatorships in the Arab world or diplomats who became enamoured during their guided tours through Haftar's Potemkin villages, showcasing reconstruction and his new order. Regardless of what triggered their love for the frumpy field marshal, they believe that his style of military dictatorship is the best route to stabilising Libya.

The US is squandering its geopolitical gravity to fixate on futile, hyper-focused, yet poorly thought-through policies.

The wheel turns 

The end of Libya's cycles always looks suspiciously like their start. Against the backdrop of escalating skirmishes between armed groups and military buildups by intervening powers, Libya's politicians play out a familiar pantomime as they promote a new government from amongst themselves to replace the incumbent. 

This time, they say, the government will lead to elections, though they never have a roadmap to a vote. This time, they say, the new government will unify the country while all actors tie themselves ever tighter to outside powers, and Haftar never looks any closer to genuine cooperation. This time, they say, they will fight corruption and restore governance as they prepare mock cabinets of over thirty ministers but never any actual policies.

The previous cycles have ended in war and financial meltdown, and if the diplomats do not now try something new, things will surely end the same way this time around. The only way to drag Libya out of its spiral is to begin reversing it.

To return to the planning that preceded Bathily, a medium-term political process that goes through elections is needed to restore popular Libyan sovereignty over Libya's economics and politics. This process is backed by and involves key legitimising states from the US to Europe, key interventionists like Turkey, and regional actors.

For diplomats, this seems daunting and like a lot of hard work. But, if Libya's elite capture is not broken, we know where it will lead. The city of Derna, destroyed last September through accumulated political negligence and now suffering the ignominious corruption of a pretend reconstruction, hovers over the country as the ghost of Libya's future. This future can only be averted if the international community choose to push for change rather than vouchsafe another cycle.  

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