Sadat is admired by many in Egypt for sparing the country from future wars with Israel but his miscalculation in empowering Islamists led to his own assassination. Al Majalla explains.
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- Anwar Sadat
Palestinians are beginning to dribble out of the battered enclave as Israel starts implementing its "voluntary migration" plan. Gaza is being ethnically cleansed before our very eyes.
The man many think could end Erdoğan's quarter-century reign was arrested just days before he was nominated as the CHP presidential candidate. Who is he, and why is he behind bars?
The US and Israel want Tehran to completely dismantle its nuclear infrastructure, which it will not do. If they do decide to strike, Iran has limited options on how to respond.
The passion and imagination of the Uruguayan writer remain timeless, not least over Gaza. Ten years since his passing, Al Majalla revisits his works and words.
As Syria takes this important step forward, the journey ahead remains fraught with obstacles but also hope
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