Hamas' vision for Gaza is shortsighted

Its focus is on military operations, not how Gaza will be governed or how to leverage growing global support to advance the two-state solution

Hamas' vision for Gaza is shortsighted

Israel has come under increasing global criticism for its lack of a viable vision for the future of Gaza after the guns fall silent— and rightfully so.

Government officials have made disjointed statements about what that might look like but generally agree on the need to maintain a military-security presence there, tantamount to re-occupation.

Israel also expects Arab states and the international community to deal with the needs of Gaza's 2.3 million population, the majority of whom have been made homeless by Israel's devastating carpet bombing that has not only destroyed homes but key infrastructure vital to the basics of life such as water wells, electricity grids, schools, hospitals and agricultural land.

Shortsighted vision

However, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have also failed to come up with a united Palestinian vision.

For its part, Hamas’s idea of what might lie ahead is shortsighted. Its focus is on military operations, but it has yet to offer any concrete plan for how Gaza will be run after the war ends.

Hamas's vision for Gaza is shortsighted. Its focus is on military operations, not on the future of governance.

Its leaders focus their statements on how they are determined to ensure Israel cannot achieve the 'absolute victory' that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly pledged to achieve.

Instead of offering a comprehensive vision for the broader Palestinian cause, they have shortsighted goals to return to the conditions in place before 7 October. But even this unambitious goal looks increasingly unattainable.

Putting the optics aside of Hamas's stunning 7 October assault on Israel, the Palestinians in Gaza have endured irreparable harm by Israel's 'retaliation'. Their future looks even more bleak than it was before that fateful day.

Naive assumptions

And the idea that pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the West can secure moves toward a two-state solution is naive.

An objective read of Hamas's 7 October attack on Israel reveals that it was nothing more than a desperate act by a desperate group.

Hamas has seen just how easily its so-called allies have abandoned it while global powers rallied behind Israel. 

Since then, Hamas has seen just how easily its so-called allies have abandoned it while global powers rallied behind Israel. It was delusional to think that the wider Arab/Muslim world would come to its rescue and march into Jerusalem to liberate the Al-Aqsa mosque.

Solidarity with the Palestinian cause does not translate into joining the armed struggle against Israeli occupation and oppression. While Iran has sacrificed its own blood for its imperial ambitions in the region, it has shown that it will not stick its neck out for Palestine.

No united Palestinian vision

Alongside this naivety, Palestinian internal divisions persist, which leaves the cause in a state of peril.

The Palestinian leadership has yet to come up with innovative ways to leverage growing global support for its cause into practical steps to resist Israel's occupation and achieve a Palestinian state.

Those with vested political interests and strategic calculations remain indifferent to human suffering. Whatever else, Gaza is shattered. The current chapters of its story are written in death and devastation, and its survivors face a bleak future.

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