Interview with Hala Rharrit, Ex-US diplomat

Interview with Hala Rharrit, Ex-US diplomat

Interview with Joseph Votel Ex-commander, CENTCOM

Interview with Joseph Votel Ex-commander, CENTCOM

Interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

Interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak

8000 Electricity generators linked to increased cancer rates in Beirut

8000 Electricity generators linked to increased cancer rates in Beirut

Interview with Merezhko Oleksandr

Interview with Merezhko Oleksandr

Interview with Merezhko Oleksandr, Foreign Affairs Head - Ukrainian parliament.

Interview with Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi

Interview with Palestinian historian Rashid Khalidi


The Gaza war has refocused the world’s attention on the Palestinian cause. Mass rallies, particularly in the West, put pressure on politicians, as thousands regularly decry Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people. In Gaza, that has not had much effect. Israel continues to bombard the Strip, despite having already killed 25,000 people since October, because it enjoys unwavering support from political leaders in the United States and Europe. Yet this resurgence of interest in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially among the young, has prompted a quest for understanding and context. In this quest, Dr Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian-American historian and professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, is a wonderful guide. His compelling book The Hundred Year War on Palestine addresses key questions and provides an objective and methodical historical backdrop. It sheds light on the colonial mentality that underpins the steadfast support extended to Israel, even despite the recent allegations of genocide levelled against it at the International Court of Justice.

Al Majalla had the privilege of meeting Dr Khalidi to discuss the war and what may have changed because of it. Drawing on his experience as an adviser to the Palestinian negotiating delegation during the Oslo Accords, he provided valuable insight into the evolving support for the Palestinian cause.

Exclusive interview with Ahmet Davutoglu

Exclusive interview with Ahmet Davutoglu

Exclusive interview with Turkey's former PM Ahmet Davutoglu

Sudan.. The struggle of Al-Burhan and Hemeti

Sudan.. The struggle of Al-Burhan and Hemeti

Plans to integrate the RSF into the ranks of the regular army fueled the differences and fed the rivalry between the two military leaders men and led to the delay of the signing of the final agreement for the transitional period. Al-Burhan wants to set a clear deadline for the integration. And a transition to civilian rule would pave the way for elections. Hemeti, on the other hand, wants to restructure the army first before merging his forces with it. The struggle for influence has turned into full-blown armed conflict.

Arctic resources.. In numbers

Arctic resources.. In numbers

Arctic resources.. In numbers

Key milestones of the FTX cryptocurrency collapse

Key milestones of the FTX cryptocurrency collapse

This is the story of how the high-flying crypto king — once the best-known name in the hottest asset class in the world — saw the empire he built come crashing down in the fastest destruction of wealth in modern history. What began in 2017, came to an abrupt and rather unflattering end in November 2022.