The world faces a renewed geopolitical fault line in South America. Borders drawn by colonial powers cross disputed territory now rich in resources. Fears of war are real, but open conflict unlikely.
Hairdresser Grisel Garcés survived a harrowing, four-month journey from her native Venezuela through tropical jungles, migrant detention centers in southern Mexico, and then jolting railcar rides…
Voluntary returns of Venezuelan migrants in Mexico by plane back to their homeland are likely to begin in the next few days, four people familiar with the matter said.
Mexico is grappling with a…
In the last three years, tragic scenes of poverty and mayhem have dominated the coverage ofVenezuela, a nation that used to be one of the wealthiest and most democratic countries inSouth America…
U.S.PresidentDonald Trump’sefforts to liberateVenezuelafrom Nicolás Maduro’s regime have stalled, despite some unusually favorable circumstances, including a spectacularly incompetent government…
An estimated 14% of the region's inhabitants―110 million people―are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The reality millions face this Ramadan could not be starker.
The US levied swingeing sanctions on Bashar al-Assad's regime for torturing and killing thousands. Matt Zweig, who helped draft it, speaks to Al Majalla about its details and future.
Mosques are rubble and families have been torn apart. Those who survived mourn those who did not. Amidst the trauma, celebrating seems strange. Yet in a sprinkling of lanterns, there is resistance.