A few weeks after freekeh (roasted green durum wheat) season ends in Syria; wheat fields ripen like pure gold.For us villagers, that means one thing …

A few weeks after freekeh (roasted green durum wheat) season ends in Syria; wheat fields ripen like pure gold.For us villagers, that means one thing …
Zurich: In less than a week, I’ll be leaving Zurich and heading back to Damascus. Ever since I began to pack my bags, a question has haunted me. What…
It is difficult to count all those affected by this block, but dozens of writers face this problem in all its forms and manifestations, and some of…
What madness it is for tourists to visit Damascus in its current state. I envision them with cameras slung around their necks, astounded by the faces…
Approximately one year ago, amnesty was announced for political inmates, yet only a handful of captives were set free. Abandoned to their destiny,…
"I've never seen such horror in my life," says a friend who recently returned to live in our city, Afrin.This came from a man who lived under the…