Proponents of the Iran nuclear agreement are sounding the alarm. In 2018, the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and since then, Iran has increased the quality and…
On US President-elect Joe Biden’s lenghthy to do list is a pledge to rejoin the 2015 Iran nuclear deal - the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), - one of the signature, if hotly debated,…
On Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump fired his secretary of defense, Mark Esper,via tweet. The move came just two days after Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election, a development Trump…
The seemingly dormant conflict between Tehran and Washington returned to the fore again this week when U.S. President Trump implicitly confirmed reports that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard…
The Trump administration’s bid to trigger snapback sanctions through the UN has thrown into sharp relief the already grim economic predicament gripping Tehran. Senior officials are publicly…
Just five years ago, it looked as thoughIranandthe United Stateswere moving toward more open relations. In 2015,the United Statesand five other world powers negotiated an agreement that markedly…
Over the last week, Washington has turned its eye once more to tightening the binds of containment, in response to Iranian provocations in the Gulf, moving to extend a UN arms embargo and deliver a…
Iran’s management of the coronavirus has exposed glaring deficiencies in Tehran’s decision-making. Iranian medical experts are warning of an escalating outbreak and dire consequences if…
As January draws to a close, the Iranian leadership has become increasingly preoccupied with internal power struggles and the stresses of coping with a tightening campaign of Western pressure. Iran’s…
“What is just retribution?” So askedHezbollahleaderHassan Nasrallahin a speech onJanuary 5, two days afterthe United Statesassassinated Iranian Quds Force commanderQasem Soleimaniand Iraqi Popular…
Palestinians are beginning to dribble out of the battered enclave as Israel starts implementing its "voluntary migration" plan. Gaza is being ethnically cleansed before our very eyes.
The man many think could end Erdoğan's quarter-century reign was arrested just days before he was nominated as the CHP presidential candidate. Who is he, and why is he behind bars?
The US and Israel want Tehran to completely dismantle its nuclear infrastructure, which it will not do. If they do decide to strike, Iran has limited options on how to respond.
The passion and imagination of the Uruguayan writer remain timeless, not least over Gaza. Ten years since his passing, Al Majalla revisits his works and words.