Political legitimacy is an increasingly elusive pursuit

Syria and Lebanon face the daunting challenge of deriving political legitimacy through popular backing—something that even supposedly democratic Western nations have struggled to secure

Political legitimacy is an increasingly elusive pursuit

The National Dialogue in Syria and ministerial discussions in Lebanon represent two baby steps to restoring political legitimacy and representation in both countries.

In Damascus, hundreds of delegates gathered at the invitation of the interim authority to participate in a national dialogue conference—an event met with widespread scepticism both domestically and internationally. It aimed to lend legitimacy to the transition government's remit.

Meanwhile, in Lebanon, parliamentarians faced a much simpler task, as it already has a democratic and theoretically legitimate government, albeit through the skeletal remains of state institutions teetering on collapse. They simply have to not stand in the way of the government doing its job and let it carry out the policies it has been tasked to implement.

Lebanon and Syria are not the only Arab nations grappling with issues pertaining to legitimacy. Political legitimacy in Sudan, Libya, and Yemen is being contested through violence on the ground. Each faction has its own gripes, accusing the other side of incitement, illegitimacy, and carrying out foreign agendas.

Might is right politics

In Arab politics, political mandates granted to the ruling authority by the people don't necessarily translate into actual power. Instead, might is right politics usually triumph. Yet, the notion of popular legitimacy is still sought, even if only for show (think of leaders who secure 99% of the vote).

When representative legitimacy is not sought, the argument used is that it stands in the way of achieving tangible progress. Here, politicians tend to focus primarily on securing their own interests, granting privileges to their supporters, and consolidating power.

In the end, identity politics will continue to dominate, while state and institution building will, as usual, take a backseat

Daunting challenge

Syria and Lebanon face the daunting challenge of deriving political legitimacy through popular backing—something that even supposedly democratic Western nations have struggled to secure.

In the case of Lebanon, it remains unclear whether the state will be able to address the diverse priorities of the Lebanese people, particularly its Shiite population, who fear they will lose the privileges they secured over the past two decades, including key seats in the government.

They also want the government to prevent Israel from attacking their strongholds in the south and the Bekaa again. However, the government will struggle to square this with the overall population, who have different priorities and concerns.

In the end, identity politics will continue to dominate, while state and institution building will, as usual, take a backseat. And if history is any indication, these efforts will sit around and collect dust, waiting for a day far into the future when they will actually be implemented.

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