Day by day, the picture becomes clearer. Syria, once a captive, has now returned. Liberated from over five decades of captivity, it has reclaimed its place among its people and its Arab and Islamic surroundings. Decades of confinement have failed to alter its identity.
However, as with any former captive, the road to recovery does not end with the moment of liberation. Syria has been freed, yet it still has a long way to go to achieve genuine freedom, full recovery, and the establishment of a true republic.
Just a few days ago, a rumour emerged—one that no rational person would entertain—alleging that Maher Al-Assad, the brother of Bashar Al-Assad, had returned to the Syrian coast. At first glance, it seemed like a joke. But soon, there was a shock not only at the number of people who believed the rumour but also at those who celebrated his supposed return.
The remnants of the fallen regime crawled out of their hiding places, jubilant over the supposed return of the fugitive criminal. These are the same individuals who, only weeks ago, claimed ignorance of the Assad regime’s atrocities. Yet, within hours, they revealed not only their full awareness of what had transpired but also their eagerness to see it repeated.
Interestingly, the rumour did not centre around Bashar al-Assad. Bashar had fled, abandoning them without so much as addressing his military forces. Instead, the orchestrators of this fabrication cleverly chose Maher al-Assad. According to the tale, Maher is also a “victim” of Bashar, who, as the rumour goes, fled Syria without even informing his brother.