The global outlook in 2025 is increasingly fractured across geopolitical, environmental, societal, economic and technological domains, according to The Global Risks Report 2025 by the World Economic Forum.
The report included insights from over 900 experts worldwide who analysed global risks in the short, medium, and long terms. Most respondents (52%) anticipate a shaky global outlook over the short term (next two years), similar to last year's projections. Another 31% expect turbulence, and 5% expect a stormy outlook. This points to an increasingly pessimistic outlook for the world by 2027.
Meanwhile. 23% of respondents believed the prospect of state-based armed conflict was greater than two years. Another point of concern was the dangerous applications of AI technologies.
As deepening division continues to reshape international relations, cooperation across the gamut of issues—economic, environmental, human rights and technology—could decrease as countries increasingly turn inward to focus on their societal priorities.