From economic corridors to humanitarian corridors

In only the span of two weeks, talk of an economic corridor has completely been overshadowed by the devastating Israeli war on Gaza as the civilian population reels under relentless Israeli brutality

From economic corridors to humanitarian corridors

In just two weeks, the Middle East and the world stopped talking about the agreed economic corridor, which was supposed to compete with similar plans.

Instead, they have been begging Israel to allow for the creation of a humanitarian corridor to end the bloodshed and let water and food reach about 2 million people – or “human animals,” according to Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, who pledged to eliminate this population by besieging it and destroying it with the latest missiles.

All this while the world watches the atrocities on screens, satellites, and social media.

It’s hard to come up with words while watching children shaking with fear or buried alive – it’s a Palestinian bloodbath. We’re witnesses to terror — to an ongoing hell.

There are open-air corridors for bombings meant to turn Gaza into ashes and bury its people under debris. No one can feel the horror of war more than those who lived through a war and experienced its explosions, bombings, and repercussions. I’m one of those.

War is no stranger to me

Gaza digs deep into my memory as someone who lived and grew up in Beirut, where I experienced war and its dire consequences. For days, weeks, and months – maybe up until now – my family, friends, and I couldn’t forget the explosion of the first Grad rocket across the street from our home when the so-called Arab Deterrence Force entered West Beirut in 1976.

Even worse was later warfare, including Israel’s 1982 siege and invasion of Beirut, the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, whose leader said later, “If only I knew”, and the semi-nuclear Beirut Port explosion (most probably due to an Israeli raid), which rocked half of the city.

What corridors, climate, environment, and human rights will they talk about the day after? Is Europe (not Israel) waiting for a corridor to deliver the required energy, or will it survive the hordes of migrants?

This is not to mention absurd wars, triggered by various parties, assassinations, bombings, and booby-trapped cars. There's no exact count of their horrible consequences, especially their human toll.

Suddenly, all these painful memories come back to mind, despite our many attempts to forget, wishing that such events do not repeat themselves.

Mass graves and carnage

If you have experienced "rocket corridors" and have been following the events of the last two weeks, you'd probably know very well what kind of mass graves will fill Gaza and maybe other places, including Lebanon,  unless a miracle happens and the carnage stops.

#Gaza_screams_for_help is trending on social media, but it cannot stop the destruction and killing machine. What will Israel gain from committing "the mother of all crimes"? What does it expect to gain from killing and/or deporting 2 million people? What does the silent world expect to gain?  

How can economic corridors make their way to Europe over children's blood after European countries haven't only supported Israel but also provided pretexts, justifications, and lies on its behalf for its ongoing massacres? What does the silent world expect to gain?  

Every sane person can only be torn apart by this new genocidal war and Israel's increasing brutality, and suffer even more from this protracted historical injustice, amid an unjust historical bias by the United States and the West that contradicts all the values they advocate for time and again.

Just a month ago, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak vowed to ban an American dog breed at the end of the year, calling it a "danger to societies" as someone in Britain was confirmed to have died from multiple injuries sustained after being attacked by two American XL Bully dogs.

Two days ago, Sunak himself said, "I am in Israel, a nation in grief. Today and always, I grieve with you and stand with you against the evil that is terrorism. Today, and always."

Western hypocrisy

He didn't bat an eyelid or speak of the 4,300 Palestinians killed and over 13,000 wounded Palestinians. Nor did he bow with a single word of sorrow in the face of a massacre at a hospital, the destruction of a church, and the displacement of about a million people as of this writing.

What corridors, climate, environment, and human rights will they espouse after this?

Is Europe (not Israel) waiting for a corridor to deliver the required energy, or will it survive the hordes of migrants? How can economic corridors make their way to Europe over blood?

After all, European countries haven't only supported Israel and provided pretexts, justifications, and lies on its behalf for its ongoing massacres. Can the executioner be trusted? 

Does the West – which boasts day and night about the rights of human beings, animals, and adheres to rainbow colours and then deafens its ears and blinds its eyes to the "human animals" that fall by the thousands unjustly and aggressively – have the right to enjoy a corridor that carries energy, goods, and prosperity?

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