The Egyptian Pavilion in Expo 2020

A Gate to Past, Present, and Future Egypt

Photo shows part of the Egyptian pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020.
Photo shows part of the Egyptian pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020.

The Egyptian Pavilion in Expo 2020

Visitors to the Dubai Expo 2020 can experience a unique journey through Egyptian history and future dreams when they visit the Egyptian Pavilion. Characterized by its luxurious and unique design, it takes you on a unique journey of 30 to 40 minutes, starting from the past that extends for thousands of years and passing through the present and the great development achieved by Egypt in the modern era and into the future.

The three-story Egyptian pavilion was designed on a plot of up to 3,000 square meters and is located at the “Opportunity District”. The journey begins from the outside, as it features a huge facade decorated with pharaonic inscriptions and a hologram of King Tutankhamun. The façade is topped by the entrance of the Pavilion, and a triangular gate imitating a pyramidal shape.

As the visitor moves inside, and specifically in the reception hall, he/she will find a large hall decorated with a pharaonic sarcophagus of the Coffin of Psamtik, Son of Pediosir, brought from the Egyptian Museum specifically as an opening for the hall dedicated to antiquities, Egyptian history, and ancient crafts.

This painted wood anthropoid (“human-shaped”) coffin is decorated with a large floral wesekh (means wide) collar terminating in two falcon heads. Beneath this, the sky goddess “Nut” spreads her wings and holds a feather in each hand, the symbol of Maat (truth, order, and justice). The coffin is among the colorful wooden coffins that were recently discovered in a group burial by the mission of the Supreme Council of Antiquities working in Saqqara. It is one of a collection of coffins that probably belonged to priests of the goddess Bastet and their families.

Inside the Egyptian pavilion, there are fourteen corners, and in each corner, there is a story, telling of an aspect of Egypt to address all aspects and achievements in various fields, such as the agricultural, human, scientific, urban, sports, tourism, and archaeological, economic, cultural and other fields. The Egyptian pavilion deals with all these aspects to promote one of the most important goals it seeks, which is the new face of the New Egyptian Republic.

In addition, the pavilion displays an important aspect of the glorious era in Egyptian history, which was known as the era of the builders of the pyramids. With the development in the fields of agriculture and industry, the Egyptians used the first river fleet to transport their products, as maritime navigation meant a great deal for them, and it became a craft like other well-established crafts for which ancient Egypt was famous.

Regarding the Time Machine zone, it is one of the most important zones of the Egyptian pavilion, as it gives the visitor a three-dimensional tour to travel through the time machine to the history of ancient Egypt extending to more than seven thousand years since the era of the pharaohs, passing through the most prominent tourist places up to the present time, and then moving to the future and what Egypt will be like in the coming years within the framework of its vision until 2030.

As for the rest of the pavilion, it is characterized by the presence of huge structures, in addition to drawings that simulate the ancient Egyptian civilization, and this not only sheds light on the heritage but also focuses on the success stories and achievements of many Egyptians in the present and their vision for the future with regard to many and many sectors, whereas these pavilions and zones provide the opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs to learn about the existing investment opportunities and make the pavilion a safe place to conduct business.

Also, the pavilion represents a unique platform for participating companies to enhance their relations with global markets, as everyone will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and viewpoints at various levels, which contributes to enhancing the contribution of these companies in supporting their national economies. 

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