Wall Street risk analyst Nassim Taleb is well-known for having predicted the 2007-08 financial crash in his April 2007 book, The Black Swan. Taleb now describes US federal debt as a glaringly obvious “white swan”. What he means is that, unlike the sub-prime mortgage implosion, the looming US debt crisis is entirely predictable.
“So long as you have Congress keep extending the debt limit and doing deals because they’re afraid of the consequences of doing the right thing, eventually you’re going to have a debt spiral, and a debt spiral is like a death spiral,” says Taleb. “We need some kind of miracle.”
Among those expressing concern about growing federal debt is former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who said: “Our economy is in a terrible position because of the federal deficit.” The leaders of America’s biggest financial firms agree. BlackRock vice-chair Philipp Hildebrand warned that “any default on the debt could put the dollar at risk”.
JPMorgan’s chief executive Jamie Dimon has spoken of the abyss facing the American people in ten years’ time. “If you look at that 100% debt to GDP, by (2035) I think it’s going to be 130%—and it’s a hockey stick,” he said in January 2024. “That hockey stick doesn’t start yet but when it starts, markets around the world...there will be a rebellion.”
Mike Wilson of Morgan Stanley warned that the US was in the “death zone,” a term commonly used by mountaineers to describe altitudes where bottled oxygen is no longer sufficient for human survival over a prolonged period.
Some are optimistic. The Congressional Budget Office believes that debt growth will stay under control over the next ten years, while the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its 2024 review of the US economy, felt that federal debt was sustainable, citing the strength of US financial markets, the diversity of investors, the role of the dollar in the international system, the Federal Reserve’s ability to support the Treasury bond markets, and the strength of US institutions.
Others have different views. Fitch downgraded the credit rating of the United States to (AA+) due to the increased level of federal debt, and analysis by the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM), published by the House Budget Committee, has the US barrelling down a path of debt default unless Congress takes corrective action.
Sirens wailing
There has been a deterioration in both the annual deficit and the cumulative public debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). According to the PWBM model for fiscal year 2023, the annual deficit (i.e. the gap between what the US government spent and the revenue it collected during that year) amounted to almost $2tn. This equates to $53.33 per second, or $142bn per month. As for the cumulative national debt, this was $35.8tn as of January, or $100,448 per person in the US.
On 2 January 2025, Congress set the federal debt ceiling (the maximum amount the government can borrow to pay its bills) at $36.1tn, equivalent to more than 120% of GDP. This is one of the highest debt-to-GDP ratios in the world, after Japan and Italy. It is also higher than expected. The Congressional Budget Office previously projected that this ratio would reach 116% by 2034, 139% by 2044, and 166% by 2054.
Foreign countries hold $7.3tn of US federal debt, led by Japan, followed by China, the UK, and other nations that see the US dollar as a safe haven to hold the currency or US bonds in their reserves. Around $28.8tn of the debt is held by American investors, including individuals, pension and social security funds, financial institutions, and even the Federal Reserve.