In the words of German Philosopher Immanuel Kant, "morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness".
The essence of the Saudi policy for a vibrant society to achieve a different and better tomorrow is an invitation to people and communities everywhere to make themselves worthy of happiness.
In this way, they can contribute globally to more humane social and health policies, through coordinated efforts to improve. That will help eradicate the conditions in which violence, extremism, crime, and backwardness can otherwise thrive.
This new Saudi discourse asserts that human happiness is not an impossible idea, but a clear possibility that can be achieved by building on past achievements and developing future aspirations into realistic projects.
Green initiatives
Today's global economic logic can seem rooted in greed and profit-making with a disregard for human dignity, sometimes even working at its expense.
Saudi Arabia is taking an entirely different direction, by working for a thriving, humanised economy. It will prioritise using human resources to activate ecological potential, unlocking local distinctiveness to tackle climate change.

Read more: How Saudi Arabia is building a realistic roadmap for a circular carbon economy
The Kingdom's plan links education to practical application, turning it into a long-term, successful investment. Extensive support for all production sectors is also encouraging entrepreneurs to embark on their ventures even without the need for huge individual capital risk.
There are clear targets, not least to take non-oil exports up to 50% of the economy's gross domestic product from 16%, and to establish it as the 15th biggest economy in the world.
Read more: Saudi industry goes global after reforms spark growth
Part of this mission will be combatting unemployment and poverty and lifting the contribution of small- and medium-sized enterprises, a key means of economic diversification.
The Riyadh Expo 2030 will show the world how Saudi Arabia will establish a thriving economy while also protecting the environment and combating climate change, under an expansive plan to reduce carbon emissions, preserve biodiversity, and invest in clean energy.