Are British immigrants becoming vessels for racism?

Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s claim that the UK is being ‘invaded’ by immigrants is being cheered by parts of British society despite the fact that she herself comes from an Indian background

Home Secretary Suella Braverman speaks in the House of Commons, London, on the Illegal Migration Bill, Tuesday March 7, 2023.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman speaks in the House of Commons, London, on the Illegal Migration Bill, Tuesday March 7, 2023.

Are British immigrants becoming vessels for racism?

Britain is possibly the most confused nation in the world. It is certainly one of the oldest, and mental confusion frequently comes with advanced age. Britons like to think they have not been invaded since the times of William the Conqueror, known in more forthright times as ‘the Bastard’. Takeover bids don’t come more hostile than that one.

Though it is not technically true, the general consensus that we have not been invaded for a thousand years and counting, gives a certain charge to the Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s claim that we are being ‘invaded’ right now, from across the Channel. They’re not arriving in long boats this time. They’re coming in unseaworthy dinghies. But don’t be fooled, they’re an invading force.

At the same time as Braverman has been busily characterising the ‘migrants’ as invaders, the political scene in Britain has been steadily becoming more multicultural.

This is the case with the Home Secretary herself, oddly enough. She is a first-generation immigrant of Indian heritage, married to a practising Jew. She herself is of the Buddhist persuasion. Her boss is the country’s first Hindu prime minister and her predecessor at the Home Office was also of Indian background.

Read more: Humza Yousaf: First Muslim leader of Scotland and independence die-hard

Meantime, in a neighbouring galaxy, the new first minister in Scotland is a practising Muslim, as is the Mayor of London. On the other side of the Irish Sea, they have an Indian heritage Taoiseach.

To all appearances, the sons and daughters – or grandsons and granddaughters – of immigrants have shown real talent for ascending the various greasy poles of these islands.

In the case of Humza Yousaf, he was pictured leading prayers in Bute House, the Scottish equivalent of Number Ten.

Prayers in Bute House

This is the first time everthat a Muslim has become leader of a nation of predominantly Christian heritage. With Sunak in London and Yousaf in Edinburgh, a quip has been doing the rounds on social media that an Indian and a Pakistani were bringing about the partition of Britain.

Aside from the views on the union, they have very different politics. So it was from Sunak that we got a speech at a lectern last week bearing the slogan Stop the Boats. The Tories have been sentimentally attached to three-word slogans ever since the huge success of ‘Take Back Control’ and it is in order to fulfil that previous slogan that this one has been devised.

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks during a press conference in the Downing Street Briefing Room in central London on March 7, 2023, following the announcement of the on the Illegal Migration Bill.

Rishi Sunak

People outside Britain might be forgiven for thinking that a proudly multicultural nation would have a more amenable attitude to people wanting to move here. The oddest thing, though, is how it is the children of immigrants who are so opposed to, er, immigrants.

People outside Britain might be forgiven for thinking that a proudly multicultural nation would have a more amenable attitude to people wanting to move here. The oddest thing, though, is how it is the children of immigrants who are so opposed to, er, immigrants. 

Braverman has been quite explicit in her abhorrence of the arrivals on the shores of Kent. She has publicly declared it a 'dream' of hers to stop them coming here.

She has also followed up her predecessor's policy, backed by Rishi Sunak, of deterring the crossings with a threat of deportation to Rwanda, but here is where things get yet more cognitively dissonant than the mere idea of anti-migrant immigrants.

She has travelled to Rwanda in person, having first made a point of letting only a handful of right-wing newspapers know about it, and visited the accommodation the Rwandans are building for our unwanted migrants.

She was shown laughing in front of these blocks and declaring them comfortable, blessed with all the most modern amenities. She even wished out loud that she could use the same interior designer.

But alas, Rwanda is a very long way from England. If any would-be migrant weighing up the pros and cons of risking their life crossing the Channel has seen this kind of deterrence in action, they might be wondering if Suella Braverman was luring them into a dinghy, in order to enjoy the good life in Africa.

Crew aboard Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Severn class lifeboat the City of London II, pick up migrants in an inflatable boat who were travelling across the English Channel, bound for Dover on the south coast of England

Mixed messaging

Mixed messaging was never quite so muddled as this. What exactly was Ms Braverman thinking? Here's the thing, I don't believe much thought went into it. The Express has challenged the prime minister to solve the problem of 'the boats' in six months.

Ah, what touching naivety the right-wing press is still capable of sometimes. It is quite a comfort when you prefer not to dwell too long on fascist mobs surrounding hotels where migrants have been billeted or the latest wheeze to house them in barges, or disused liners moored of the coast like prison hulks.

The naivety to which I refer is the idea that a policy as flagrantly contradictory, inhumane, unlawful and cruel as the Rwandan one will ever be realised and not remain one woman's dream.

True, the very idea of it will help get Sunak through the carnage that is looming in the May local elections. It might even keep the Tory faithful happy while they wait for the lefty lawyers and other do-gooders to lose their cases against it in the courts.

Except, they won't lose their cases against it. Stop the Boats in its present form is a policy with its own built-in obsolescence. The beauty of this ruse is that the Tories can complain forever and a day that it has been sabotaged by the left.

All they wanted to do was solve the problem, stop the exploitation of vulnerable people by traffickers, and see, the misguided opponents of this policy thwart it at every turn. Far from being a problem for the Tories at future elections, the boats are an asset. The failure to stop them keeps the grievance alive.      

Migrants travel in an inflatable boat across the English Channel, bound for Dover on the south coast of England. 


Strange phenomenon

As for this strange phenomenon of the descendants of migrants being the most zealous opponents of migration: the only right way of entering Britain is the way their parents did it, whether because they sought asylum or the chance to better themselves.

Back in the olden days, Enoch Powell spoke about the Tiber foaming with much blood. Margaret Thatcher had visions of Britain being swamped. Theresa May brought in a hostile environment and had little vans with 'Go Home' on them, driving around areas where illegal immigrants might be hiding.

Did any of this work? Well, it depends on what 'work' means. It certainly helped Powell get famous and was celebrated by racists. It probably helped Thatcher get elected. It helped Theresa May look like she was doing something.

These approaches were characterised by a mixture of hyperbole and euphemism. None of the people pushing these agendas were immigrants. They always looked and sounded like they were speaking for the white majority.

But in equal-opportunity Britain, everyone is entitled to be unpleasant. If the person speaking isan immigrant, it also has a certain irrefutability. They can say stuff without fear of contradiction, as no liberal opponent is going to say, "How dare you come here and say that?"

In equal-opportunity Britain, everyone is entitled to be unpleasant. If the person speaking isan immigrant, it also has a certain irrefutability. They can say stuff without fear of contradiction, as no liberal opponent is going to say, "How dare you come here and say that?"

Opposing an immigrant-bashing immigrant could quickly shade into immigrant-bashing. It would take more than everyday cognitive dissonance to pull that one off. You would require two brains, one pro- and one anti-immigrant, like the biggest of the dinosaurs, though in truth it turns out that even dinosaurs only had the one.

Pro-immigration campaigners protest against the proposed Illegal Migration Bill outside the Houses of Parliaments in London, Britain, 27 March 2023.

There isa way this paradox can be avoided, however: fellow immigrants can oppose the bigoted immigrants in their midst. As Sunder Katwala pointed out in a Guardian article, "Asian and black politicians can choose to be bridgers or culture warriors just as their white colleagues can."

Yet it comes with a certain pungency when the member of a minority group enlists in the culture war.

Marketable racism

For Nels Abbey, the British-Nigerian writer of 'Think Like a White Man,' there is no equivalence between the white and non-white combatants. Racism is "more marketable and faces less challenge when it comes from ethnic minority politicians. Hence the likes of Suella and Kemi (Badenoch) are more dangerous, as they are more effective."


Racism is "more marketable and faces less challenge when it comes from ethnic minority politicians. Hence the likes of Suella and Kemi (Badenoch) are more dangerous, as they are more effective."

Nels Abbey, the British-Nigerian writer

Speaking on LBC, he insisted that Suella Braverman was no friend of diversity, but rather was one of those who was 'going out of their way to prove how effective they are' by being harsher and 'a vessel for the very racism we'd hope they'd be getting rid of.'

There's an element of over-compensation in this attitude, as well as the desire for clear blue water between themselves and the 'bad' immigrants. There's also a use of racial prejudice as a form of camouflage.

With any luck, the liberals will fail to see the racist in plain sight, while the white racists will find it impossible to disagree with your views, as long as their ears are working harder than their eyes.

Migrants are escorted ashore from the UK Border Force vessel 'BF Typhoon' in Dover, southeast England, on March 6, 2023, after having been picked up at sea while attempting to cross the English Channel.

At the risk of succumbing to Godwin's law for a moment, wasn't Adolf Hitler an Austrian immigrant who the Germans thought sounded like he was eating dumplings?

But I must cease and desist making a comparison of that kind immediately. It's just the sort of thing that makes Gary Lineker so offensive, if only to Suella Braverman's husband.

Read more: Sunak achievements overshadowed by Lineker controversy

This very morning the racist in disguise was at it again, complaining that the members of grooming gangs were British Pakistanis. Some of them are, it's true, but a report by her own Home Office in 2020 found there was insufficient evidence to suggest that gang members were more likely to be Asian or black than other ethnicities.

The Labour party concurs with the Guardian that 'most child sexual abuse gangs [are] made up of white men'. Still, one mustn't let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a useful stereotype.

The Labour party concurs with the Guardian that 'most child sexual abuse gangs [are] made up of white men'. Still, one mustn't let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a useful stereotype.    

The object of being offensive one minute and taking offence the next; of now-you-see-it-now-you-don't deterrence; of brownness which masquerades as whiteness (otherwise known as Oreo) and of an Illegal Migration Bill that announces its own illegality, is to smuggle values across the border that directly contradict the programme of diversity under the semblance of… diversity.

Smuggling racism into an increasingly tolerant, multicultural society was never going to be easy, but the Conservatives may have come up with the most ingenious method yet: stowing it in the hold of HMS Braverman.


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