Essentially, you'll repeat what others are saying and hear what they are hearing. "Seeing" is irrelevant in times of blind approval. What matters is keeping your blindfold on tightly, no matter how tempted you are to yank it off.
Now, if it happens that you do see something that you shouldn't: pretend to have seen nothing. Turn your gaze to another time, another place, another planet.
A master of harmony
If you suffer – if you witness poverty, hunger, and crises – you should practice your lines more diligently. The script has your answers. Say the country is witnessing a rare wave of prosperity and lives in enough abundance, glut, and sufficiency to spark the envy of the world's most industrious cities.

After all, you wouldn't want to be branded as someone who miscalculates or misevaluates. You wouldn't want to break the status quo and be labelled as delusional or, God forbid, an enemy, an idiot, or a madman.
What, who, and how long you're waiting for is above your pay grade. Leave that to the people in charge. It's alright if you don't know who they are. It's okay if you do know who they are, too, as long you ignore what they do. It's their business — and their business alone.
You're a master of harmony, always willing to wait, just like the others. They're quiet, so you're quiet. They clap, so you clap. They scream, so you scream.
In a line-up, no one should be able to pick you out – you're identical to everyone around you. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, or you'll break the spell.
A cog in the machine
Remember: You're stamped from head to toe. It's not your place to tamper with that stamp. It's embedded in your flesh, your heart, and your brain. In fact, it's coded into your bones, dreams, feelings, and thoughts.
You're a slave. So are the others.
Together, you make up the cogs of a machine that moves on autopilot to a pre-established rhythm. With one press of a button, "they" can halt your operations entirely. The machine is well-oiled, after all, and it will wait patiently to be switched back on. It will wait with all the conviction and enthusiasm in the world.
But between calling waiting "deferral" and deferral "waiting", something starts to eat away at your soul, gnawing at your flesh, clouding your vision, and jumbling your words.