Racist Coverage of Ukraine War Criticized

Racist Coverage of Ukraine War Criticized

Several remarks by reporters and media pundits have described Ukraine as more ‘civilised’ in comparison to other war-torn countries, sparking backlash on social media.

On One condition… Saudi Arabia Allows Children to Enter the Two Holy Mosques

On One condition… Saudi Arabia Allows Children to Enter the Two Holy Mosques

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia allowed children from the age of 7 to enter the Two Holy Mosques if the health status appears with the word “fortified” in the application of “Tawakkalna.”

A Terrifying video: Russian Air Invasion of the Ukrainian Capital

A Terrifying video: Russian Air Invasion of the Ukrainian Capital

A video posted on social media showed a sweeping air attack carried out by dozens of Russian helicopters on Ukraine.

A Horrific Scene: A Russian Missile Hits a Residential Building in Kiev

A Horrific Scene: A Russian Missile Hits a Residential Building in Kiev

Russian forces targeted institutions in the Ukrainian capital with cruise missiles launched by air and sea.

A Painful Video: Ukrainian Sends his Daughter to Safety and Remains to Fight

A Painful Video: Ukrainian Sends his Daughter to Safety and Remains to Fight

The video documented a difficult moment between a father who decided to stay in Ukraine to defend his country, and his daughter, whom he sent with her mother to "safety", to be far from the war.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: World on Edge of Abyss

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: World on Edge of Abyss

Invasion of Ukraine: What are Russia's military objectives?

Invasion of Ukraine: What are Russia's military objectives?

Video: First moments of Russia’s war on Ukraine

Video: First moments of Russia’s war on Ukraine

A Breathtaking Video: The Moment A Plane Lands in the Middle of the Storm

A Breathtaking Video: The Moment A Plane Lands in the Middle of the Storm

A Syrian Collects About a Thousand Artifacts to Protect Heritage

A Syrian Collects About a Thousand Artifacts to Protect Heritage

Vegan Hemo, a Kurdish language instructor from the Syrian city of Qamishli, has been collecting traditional tools for more than 10 years since the war in Syria in 2011.