3 New Year's Medication Resolutions

The new year is traditionally a time to think about ways to improve your health. As you resolve to exercise more, eat a healthier diet, and get more…

It's Not Too Late to Save Thinning Hair

Hair loss doesn't typically cause pain, but it can be emotionally distressing when you realize that your hair is thinning, especially if you can see…

Reclaim Your Pre-pandemic Function

We've moved past some of the immediate effects of the pandemic, with many people returning to their previous physical activities. But some people are…

Programs to Sharpen Your Driving Skills

We have more reason than ever to be cautious on the road. The latest numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that…

Winterize Your Heart Health

Are you preparing for winter? Perhaps you're retrieving heavy coats from their summer slumber, getting a check-up for your home's furnace, and…