History does not repeat itself. However, if it does, then we are facing a catastrophe. This should be the starting block for analysing the Ukraine…
Eric Blair, who is known by his pen name George Orwell, was eerily accurate in the predictions he made in his novel, dubbed “Nineteen Eighty-Four,”…
When Ismail al-Safavi came from Anatolia and occupied Tabriz from 907 AH to 1502, he declared himself a Shah and issued the first royal command…
Tunisia is certainly going through a serious turning point that represents the crux of the dispute between the Islamic movement, on one hand, and the…
The surrender of Abdullah al-Ahmar XII in Granada - the last stronghold of Muslims in Andalusia - and Queen Isabella's acquisition of the city’s key…
By the fourth Hijri century, religious discourse had reached full maturity. After two centuries of writing and documentation, and during the peak…
Initially, the universe originated by a single word “BE,” when God's Will was materialized, and everything else is mere detail. The discourse is the…