Ati Metwaly is a Polish/Egyptian journalist currently living in Egypt. She was co-founder and Editor in Chief of the first English language magazine on arts published in Egypt, The Art Review (2004-2009) and is now the Arts and Culture Editor of Ahram Online. Metwaly also writes a weekly critique for the printed newspaper, Al Ahram Weekly.

Jews of Egypt

[caption id="attachment_55237686" align="alignnone" width="620"] Still from Jews of Egypt with Mounir Murad Source: Amir Ramses[/caption]There is no…

Restoring Egypt's Splendor

[caption id="attachment_55230091" align="aligncenter" width="620" caption="(photo credit: Mourad Heshmat)"][/caption] No other country in the Middle…

Islamists on Art

[caption id="attachment_55231344" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="Adel Imam accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Doha Tribeca…

An Artist's Responsibility

[caption id="attachment_55231689" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="Hand in Hand acrylic on canvas (Mohamed Abla)"][/caption] On 10 May 2012, a…

Meeting Bahaa Taher

[caption id="attachment_55232938" align="alignnone" width="620"] Bahaa Taher[/caption] Bahaa Taher was born 1935, in Giza (Greater Cairo), to…

Notion of Freedom

[caption id="attachment_55233166" align="alignnone" width="620"] (Credit: Samir Sayegh)[/caption] Calligraphy has always been a part of the…

Dear Mr. President

[caption id="attachment_55233531" align="alignnone" width="620"] (credit: Marchina) Boys stand in front of one of the concrete barricades in Mohammed…

Artists vs Islamists

[caption id="attachment_55237272" align="alignnone" width="620"] Artists protest against the recent crackdowns on artistic freedoms in Egypt. Source:…

Putting Yemen in the Spotlight

[caption id="attachment_55249862" align="aligncenter" width="620"] A still from the film "Karama Has No Walls," directed by Sara Ishaq. (Sara Ishaq)[…